Real-time system status
MSWEP data availability
Availability of MSWEP-NRT and the input products (ERA5, GDAS, GSMaP, and IMERG) for the past week. The timestamps are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC — here denoted by the letter ‘Z’). The date and time on page load is 2025-02-16 04:53Z.

Performance monitor
Spatial correlation between daily gauge observations and several gridded precipitation products (including MSWEP-NRT) for different latitude bands. The gauge observations were taken from the GSOD and GHCN‑D databases. The precipitation data were square-root transformed to reduce the influence of extremes.

MSWX data availability
Availability of the four MSWX sub-products (Past, NRT, Mid, and Long) and the respective input products (ERA5, GDAS, GEFS, and SEAS5) for the two-week period centered on today. The availability represents the air temperature variable; the other variables exhibit a slightly higher latency.

System uptime
The percentage of time that the MSWEP/MSWX production system has been fully operational for each day during the last two months.